Dutch Oven Sausage Breakfast Pinwheels | Tender bread is filled with sausage and cheese and baked in a Dutch oven. This recipe was designed for camping out!
Line the inside of the Dutch oven with heavy duty foil.
You'll need 26 charcoal bricks for this. 10 for the bottom, 16 for the lid.
This will get the temperature to approximately 350 degrees.
Roll out one pizza crust and cut twelve 3-inch rounds with a cookie cutter.
Cook sausage in a large skillet until it's no longer pink. Remove from pan and drain on a paper towel.
Roll another pizza crust out and layer with sausage and cheese.
Roll up jelly roll style beginning with the long side.
Pinch to close.
Cut into 12 even slices.
Place 3-inch dough on the bottom side of the pinwheel (so that the sausage and cheese don't fall out) and place on foil in Dutch oven. (see photo above)
Continue with all the rolls.
Place lid on Dutch oven and place oven on the fire.
Cook at 350 (10 coals on bottom and 16 coals on top. We added extra because it was 30 degrees outside on the day we try this recipe) for about 30 minutes.
Check often the last 5 minutes so as to not over cook.