Decadently sweet and delightful, cast iron peach cobbler is a treat for your whole family. Bonus, your kitchen will smell just like your Grandmother's kitchen during the summertime. Pure happiness!
Pre-heat the oven to 400F. Peel, pit, and slice your peaches. Slice the peaches into about 1/2 inch slice.
5 cups peaches
Melt 4 Tablespoons of butter into a Dutch oven on the stovetop over medium heat. Add the peaches to your dutch oven and start to cook down. Stir the peaches to be covered by the melted butter. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring twice.
4 Tablespoons butter
Add the cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, honey, and Bourbon. Then give a good stir. Allow the filling to cook over medium for 5-10 minutes to ensure the alcohol has burned off. As the filling cooks, the liquid will become like a syrup. It should reach a consistency between maple syrup and honey. Stir often to keep sugars from burning to the bottom of the dutch oven.
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg, ⅓ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup honey, ¼ cup Bourbon
In a small glass mix the cornstarch with water to create a slurry. Remove the dutch oven from the heat and stir in the slurry. Stir it a few times as it sits between removing from the heat and adding the topping.
2 teaspoons cornstarch, 3 Tablespoons cold water
In a medium bowl combine the dry ingredients of the topping.
Add the cold butter and cut in using a pastry cutter.
1 and ½ cups all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, ½ teaspoon salt, ½ cup granulated sugar, ½ cup ( one stick) butter, ½ cup whole milk
When crumbly, drizzle in cold milk and stir to combine. Spoon evenly yet rusticly over the filling.
Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and bake uncovered for 30 minutes.
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon