How to Run a Successful Food Blog and Not Gain Weight

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How to Run a Successful Food Blog and Not Gain Weight – sharing tips and tricks I’ve learned on how to work with food 24/7 and not gain weight!

How to run a successful food blog and not gain weight. tips and tricks for weight control

I’ve been contemplating writing How to Run a Successful Food Blog and Not Gain Weight for a while. I’ll be honest, this post has sat in my editorial calendar partially written for six months. I just don’t want to come across as a know-it-all or that I’m someone that doesn’t struggle with keeping the pounds off. I’m just so insecure and gaining weight makes me even more so. When I gain a few pounds all I want to do is stay at home… then I eat… so that’s no good!

I usually don’t write about blogging. I sure don’t write about dieting! And, I’m not a fitness expert or nutritionist. I just know what works for me to not gain weight when I’m cooking this, this and this and want to share my tips.

You’ve all probably heard of the Freshmen Fifteen. But, are you aware the same phenomenon happens with new food bloggers. Most food bloggers gain weight after starting their blogs. It’s really difficult not to when you’re surrounded by food, think about food, cook food, photograph food and taste test recipes 40+ hours a week.

tips for weight control

Rules I live by

Have a plan for the food you cook – if it’s a dessert or something you can donate, get it out of your house as soon as possible. I send food items to my kids’ teachers and friends. You can also take to your local homeless shelter or make friends with the closest Fire Station and take it there. They love food gifts as do most people.

If you’re cooking for the blog and for dinner, try not to cook it to early where you’re tempted to snack on your creation all day. Or, at least, get it off the counter and out of sight.

Cook on designated days. I’ve found that if I cook for the blog on two or three days a week, I’m not tempted every. single. day. by chocolate and/or desserts.

Chew on sugar-free gum while you cook. If you like to taste test while cooking, this will save you a lot of calories!

Drink water. Not only will it fill you, but every time you want a taste, drink a sip of water instead.

The Power to Reach Your Goals is within your right now!

Don’t deprive yourself. Eat one bite or a small portion, then get rid of it. There is no harm in trying it and you do need to know how to discribe it to your readers, but don’t eat half of the pan of brownies!

Count calories -Record your food intake in a diary or on an app. I have use My Fitness Pal for a few years now. You can set notifications on it to remind you if you haven’t recorded your meals. This has been a life saver for me because I’d always forget! My Food Diary is another phone app that is good.

Some experts advise against this, but weighing often works for me. Weigh once a week. Make changes if necessary before you get too far off your target weight.

Take selfies. You don’t have to go all Kim Kardashian and post them, just keep them for your personal review.

Reward yourself for maintaining and staying on target. Obvisously, reward yourself with non-food happys!

Also, check out my Diet Strategies post. You can also find Exercise Strategies and Motivation to Exercise tips.

Exercise. I cannot stress this enough. We simply have to exercise as we get older to maintain endurance, to maintain muscle, and for me to maintain sanity. Seriously, running is my therapy! So maybe you’re not a runner, find some kind of exercise that you like. Try a new exercise for 30 days. Set a goal. Whether it’s to take 10,000 steps a day or 5,000 steps a day, run a mile, move for 30 minutes just set a goal and work toward it. Next month, set another goal. In my head if I’m working on an exercise goal, I sure don’t want to compromise that goal by overeating or eating badly. You just don’t want to ‘undo’ the good you’ve done while exercising.

I also find if you’re focusing on an exercise goal, you think more of food as fuel. Pack as many nutrients in as few of calories is how I think of it.


Helpful Hints even if you’re not a food blogger

Read health and fitness magazines

Don’t eat after 7 pm

Limit alcohol to one night a week.

Post a picture of someone who inspires you.

Don’t look at it as a diet, but a lifestyle. You’re choosing to be healthy.

I started PlexusSlim for ‘gut health’ and blood sugar stabilization and it’s helped with snacking and cravings. I will be happy to tell you more about PlexusSlim. If you want to comment below, I will email you back privately. (However, this is not a sponsored posts.)

Have a few go-to meals that are heathy and stock your pantry with the ingredients. I have 3 lunches and recipes here that are my favorite, tasty and low calories meals.

Find Healthy recipes here.

Healthy Body & Mind


  1. What a great post!! Just starting up a good blog again and I’m grateful for this post!!

  2. Legend legend legend.

    Temptation and weight gain are my biggest hurdles in starting, it was nice to read someone has some strategies to keep on track!

    1. It’s a struggle at times. The best thing I do is plan for when someone will be here to eat it and give the desserts away.

  3. thanks for sharing those amazing tips. it was quite helpful

  4. Hi That was a great post, I really liked it. I learned a lot. I’m going to bookmark this page.
    While half of the world wishes to lose a few extra pounds, the other half is desperately looking for helpful tips to gain weight naturally. Being too skinny is also a persistent confidence demolisher. Being under weight is also preposterously bad for health. Fret not, here’s how to bid adieu to a skinny body by following the tips to gain weight naturally and fast: C

  5. I am a faithful pinner of all the great recipes that I find and want to try.
    Thanks for the tips Paula. They are really appreciated !!
    I will check out your healthy recipes for sure.

  6. This is my biggest struggle and I’m at an age where my metabolism is slower. I love the idea of sharing to my neighbors. Since I’m new to the area, I will give them the dishes along with my business card with my website. Thanks again!

  7. I LOVE this post Paula! It’s nice to know that I’m not alone in the struggle 🙂
    I also live by many of these rules. Since I also post a lot of sweets, I make sure that 99% of them leave our house within 24 hours. (My kids’ teachers, our friends and neighbors are more than happy to receive the sweet treats). I also completely agree with out of sight – out of mind. If I can’t get it out of the house right away, it gets packaged and put away in the pantry/fridge.
    I’m also a runner, so my morning run not only burns calories, relieves some of my stress, it also get me on the right track. After running 6 miles I really don’t want to stuff my face with cake!
    I’m one of those people who struggles with weighing myself. I become way too focused on the numbers, and it’s can turn into an unhealthy obsession.
    I’m going to try your chewing gum trick. I think that may really help curb some of my sugar cravings later in the day.
    Thanks again for the great post!

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